Vulnerability & Advanced Penetration Assessments

Vulnerability & Penetration Assessments use logical testing techniques to discover and profile live network assets and services, subsequently verifying vulnerabilities using automated and manual techniques. In the case of a Penetration Assessment, active exploitation is conducted to more accurately demonstrate the impact of risk through attack simulations.

Penetration Assessments are often a requirement of regulatory or compliance driven mandates (e.g., PCI, SOC, etc.). However, the STACKTITAN approach to advanced penetration testing facilitates a wide variety of assessment capabilities and is not just limited to traditional enterprise network resources. Specifically, advanced penetration testing can help to assess the security of publicly accessible consumer terminals (e.g., kiosks), go-to market products, or various X-as-a-Service solutions, to name a few.

STACKTITAN thrives on the unconventional challenge and aims to reach creative solutions in order to expertly assess the overall target objective.

Vulnerability Penetration

Cloud Security Assessment

The proliferation of Software as a Service (SaaS) along with the scale of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) introduce immense solutions to difficult challenges. However, the complexities of Cloud Provider Networks (CPN) often introduce security issues beyond the traditional sense of vulnerable systems. For instance, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Identity Access Management (IAM), Continuous Integration and Delivery (CICD), and Serverless and Microservice deployments are all critical in ensuring an adequate secure state.

STACKTITAN approaches challenges within the CPN using advanced penetration testing, environment reviews, and collaborative knowledge transfer as a means to understand expected procedures, current architecture, anticipated target state, and critical interleaved technology. The premise being that we work to help secure the operational state of CPN deployment, whether that is test, staging or production.

Cloud Security Assessment

Social Engineering

Social Engineering has long been considered the path-of-least-resistance for an adversary. One of the most difficult risks to conceptualize is the organization's attack resiliency when subjected to a social engineering campaign. Further, how does the organization gain insight into their security awareness and technical mitigation investments?

STACKTITAN addresses the problem by leveraging tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) relevant to both circulating and emerging threats to construct Social Engineering campaigns aligned with the overall objective, whether that is to measure security awareness, assess technical controls, or observe operational capabilities.

Social Engineering

Application Security

Applications are integrated with everything and simply coexist with our everyday lives; essentially acting as enablers to enrich a variety of diverse tasks. Applications have long since evolved to become more interleaved to the point in which they can be considered consumer lifestyle products. The security of these technologies is paramount to ensuring business continuity and a safe user experience.

Understanding that Application Security continues to evolve along with numerous disciplines there within, STACKTITAN provides a variety of security assessment capabilities to include Static Analysis Software Testing (SAST), Dynamic Analysis Software Testing (DAST), and advanced penetration testing applicable within a wide context of deployments and technologies.

Application Security Assessment

Adversarial Simulation

STACKTITAN's Adversarial Simulation, in conjunction with unconventional Red Team tactics, emulates an adversary’s motive and capacity with the intent to attain the target objective, whether that is breach of organization, high security asset, or similar.

Adversarial Simulations require extensive knowledge and experience in conjunction with purpose built tool-chains necessary for the operators to function effectively within a tactical and operational capacity. STACKTITAN leverages it's non-attributable "Fast Ready Destroy (FRD)" infrastructures-at-scale along with commercial and proprietary Command and Control (C2) capabilities as a means to covertly execute advanced threat campaigns.

STACKTITAN's tactical catalog consists of Remote Adversarial Simulation (RAS), Onsite Adversarial Simulation (OAS), Insider Adversarial Simulation (IAS), and Decomposed Adversarial Simulation (DAS). Specifically, we can perform an Adversarial Simulation based on threat location and perspective, or we can decompose an existing high-profile threat campaign and perform emulation with respect to a variety of modeling criteria (e.g., industry vertical, geo-locale, dates active, etc.).

STACKTITAN has been successfully executing adversarial simulations for close to a decade and understands that each engagement is unique as is the customer’s motivation for undergoing such an exercise.

Adversarial Simulation

Endpoint Resiliency

An Endpoint Resiliency Assessment provides valuable insight regarding the effectiveness of existing security controls, environment hardening, and a single endpoint's ability to withstand a spectrum of attack techniques.

STACKTITAN subjects the endpoint to a litany of tests encompassing payload delivery, execution, privilege escalation, persistence establishment, lateral network movement, and data exfiltration. Testing is conducted in an iterative manner, inclusive of basic and advanced tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Endpoint Resiliency